-- Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
Dear Book Clubbers,
Sorry for the delay in getting this out. As many of you know, my daughter got married Saturday…so things were a little rushed between Tuesday’s meeting and our departure for the nuptials. We had an excellent time by the way. Now onto business.
Last Tuesday’s discussion of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time was excellent. Everyone who was there enjoyed the book, and the discussion was aided by the personal experiences with autism that members shared. Thanks again to Marion for stepping in and hosting.
Our next meeting will be at Donna’s (592-9380) on Tuesday, June 27th at 7:15 PM. The book for that night is Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas and Micah Sparks. On the hook for snacks that night are Marion, Nancy and Sue. I had previously written that I could order the hardcover for people on Amazon for $8. That offer has is no longer available. For those of you who ordered the book the other night, you should have received the paperback for $10.74. If anyone else would like me to order them the book, please call or e-mail me.
We tentatively set the date of our summer meeting as August 8th. That may be a conflict for the school board people, so we will revisit that at our next meeting. In the meantime, perhaps people could let me know when in August they will be around. For example is the 3rd Tuesday better? This is the meeting that we will be inviting some writer types to, so we need to firm up the date and start contacting them. Remember the plan is to read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, and those who wish can read Tricked (a light mystery set in Glenwood) if they would like to read something by one of the possible authors who will be invited.
Although Loraine was unable to attend last week’s meeting, she passed on two things. One is a suggestion for a possible co-ed book, The Ezekiel Option by Joel C. Rosenberg. Perhaps people could keep their ear to the ground and check out the plot via the link on our web site to help make a good choice for the guys’ night. She also mentioned that she has a bunch of books by Sara Donati who writes in a similar fashion to Diane Gabaldon that people can borrow if they are interested.
Seems like it is finally summer.