Saturday, March 05, 2011

March 2011

Hi Book Clubbers,
Terry made us all feel welcome at our meeting Wednesday night and Jackie did a great job of leading the discussion.  "A Reliable Wife"  got a rating of 2.9.  Ratings ranged from 2 to 5 so you can imaging it was a very good discussion.  Those giving it higher ratings convinced us it was well written and carried a message.  Those giving it lower points, felt it was "supersexed" (Liz's word) and dark.
"Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay was chosen for the April 13th meeting at Sue Kellner's. Please call her if you are coming.  Liz, Jackie, and Terry will bring appetizers.  Carla, Grace, and Kathryn are signed up for wine and Marion will bring a dessert.  We agreed that with our crowd, appetizers are more popular.

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" was chosen for our long read.  This meeting is set for August 17th at Linda Hoffman's.  We felt that "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Laks" by Rebecca Skoot should be the choice for our next meeting. (May/June?)
News from our members:

Jennifer Parsons had foot surgery this week and seems to be covered for most needs but might enjoy some company during her long healing process. 
John Reed is coming along well after his foot surgery and may be driving soon but we all know that the caregiver suffers as much as the patient so Barb may need a few kinds words or calls.
Terry and Eric will host a St. Patrick's Day Party on March 19th at 7:00.  We are all invited.  Please bring a substantial appetizaer or a dessert and a beverage of your choice.  Sounds like  fun!

Loraine sent posters annoucing that the Silver Foxes Program at the Orchard Park Presbyterian Church will beging again in March. Poster is at the Mail Center telling of the programs.  Some of us have attended and really enjoyed both the food and the program.
Jan, thanks for all you did to prepare for these meetings.  We hope you can attend the next meeting and get us all straightened. out.  We miss you.  Also looking forward to all who have not made our winter meetings joining us in April.
