Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Amazon's BEST of 2007

Amazon just announced their "Best of" lists for 2007.... #1 of the Editor's Picks is already on our suggested reading list, but what about the others? Check them out here.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

Okay guys and gals, you have only ~400 days till the 2008 Co-Ed meeting... so we need to decide what we're reading NOW.

Follow this link to see the list of suggestions.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Up and running!

I told Beth this morning, I feel like a kid at Christmas who was given SO many new toys... I'm experiencing overload! I never knew I'd enjoy blogging as much as I am today.

Let's see, there have been a couple additions to the site:
- The 2007 Reading List (Click here or use the link in the right column under "What we've read")
- Newsletters from the past few months (to read, click on each month for a link):
Next steps are updates to the Links, Recipes, and Future Ideas sections. Your feedback as well as suggestions on additions, changes, and edits are welcome. THANKS!

This is a test... Jill's first post

Hello everyone!
It's November 10, 2007, a chilly Saturday morning... a great time to do a bit of blogging. We have some catching up to do here and I'll do my best to be up-to-speed by our next meeting on November 28th. As they say in the construction industry "please excuse our dust" while we make improvements to our site.

Many thanks to Beth for getting me set up as a Blog contributor and allowing me to continue the great work she started! I look forward to this new responsibility.
- Jill