I guess I’ll just send out a quick reminder post co-ed meeting…since it is sort of a hectic time of year. Thanks to everyone for such a cooperative effort in pulling together a nice evening earlier this month. Hope it got everyone’s holiday season off to a good start.
The January meeting is at 7:15 PM on Wednesday, January 14th at Katie’s house. Please call Katie if you plan on attending. Remember the book now is The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
One thing that I meant to mention at the co-ed meeting was that we will once again be hosting our hayride for charity on the day after Christmas. I have attached the text of the invitation to this newsletter. You are all welcome to join in the fun if you have a free evening on December 26th.
I can’t think of anything else that needs to be mentioned before the next meeting. Enjoy your holidays…and hopefully enjoy the quiet winter January days by the fireside with a good book.