Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July's Meeting

Dear Book Clubbers,

We had a spectacular summer night for our gathering last week on Jen’s deck to discuss The Forgotten Garden.  Jen did her usual super job of hostessing, making room for all of us as well as for the goodies everyone brought.  Jill led a lively discussion of what most agreed was a perfect choice for a summer read.  Overall we rated the book 3.7 and the evening 5.0!  Thanks again to Jen and Jill and a round of applause for the feast and fellowship we all put together.

Our next meeting, for the brave and ambitious tackling War and Peace, will be at 7 PM at Linda’s on August 17th.   Please contact Linda to let her know that you are coming.  We also need some snack and wine volunteers for that evening.

After that we will have our yearly selection meeting on Wednesday, September 7th at Barb’s.  Start time is 7 PM, and we are hoping it will still be warm enough to be out on her deck that night.  Remember our choices for the year depend on your valued input at this meeting.  Bring one or two suggestions and please be prepared to give a brief summary to the group.  In addition, please bring the book itself, a review or summary from the Internet, or at least a piece of paper with the title and author that we can lay out for the voting.  This will also be our book exchange night, so plan on bringing any books that you wish to trade away.  We will need snack and wine volunteers for that night.  Sorry that we forgot to do that last week.  I am thinking that if we expect a healthy turn out, we should aim for 5 appetizers, 3 desserts and wine.  Please call Barb to let her know that you will be attending and to volunteer if possible.  We are really hoping for a bumper crop of good choices for the upcoming year, so please be a contributing part of this process.

Two weeks later, on September 21st, we will gather at Marilyn’s to discuss The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell.  This book has been on our list for a long time and I think we are all eager to finally see what it is about.  We are told that it looks hefty, but reads quickly.  We have 2 months at this point…assuming you have finished War and Peace (ha, ha!).  The current Amazon price for this book in paperback is $9.28 if anyone wants me to order a copy for her.

I think that is all for now.  In the process of discussing our first book for the fall, I heard some other intriguing suggestions during the meeting and after.  I look forward to hearing more about those at the selection meeting and enthusiastically anticipate that we can come up with a blockbuster reading list for 2011-2012.

Stay cool by reading…

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mark your calendars

Hello all!
In case you're filling your calendars the rest of your summer (and into fall) - here are some important Wednesday nights to keep in mind:

August 17th - Discussion of Tolstoy's War & Peace at Linda's

September 7th - 2012 Selection Meeting at Barb's - Bring your reading wish list with you (the more books the better)!!

September 21st - Book Club meeting to discuss 1000 Autumns of Jacob de Zoet at Marilyn's