Dear Book Clubbers,
Well, I have taken a lot
of grief for not putting out a newsletter after the co-ed meeting, so here
First of all, thank you to
Paul for doing such a great job leading our discussion of Unbroken. He obviously did a ton of research in
preparation and we appreciate his efforts. Also, thank you all for bringing the food and helping with
the evening.
The book selected for next
year is In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. I am not sure how we got to that
selection, the voting was a very convoluted process, but I am sure we will
enjoy it.
Next up for regular
meeting is The Objects of My Affection by Jill Smolinski. We will meet at 7 PM on Wednesday,
January 16th at Shirley’s house. Elisabeth is the discussion “steerer” that night. We did not sign up food and wine
volunteers yet, so please let Shirley know if you can bring something when you
call her.
After that, we are on for
Wednesday, February 20th to read The Language of Flowers by
Vanessa Diffenbaugh.
That’s all I have for
now. Enjoy the holidays.