Sunday, February 21, 2016

February Meeting Recap

Hello Book Clubbers!
Hope you got your reading sneakers on... 'cuz you'll be racing to get the two March books read by the 23rd, if you haven't read them already.

... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Many thanks to all who made Wednesday's meeting another successful evening:  To Loraine for opening her lovely home... to Marilyn and Nancy for leading the discussion... and to those who provided snacks, desserts, and drinks.  (I really should know better by now and NOT eat dinner on Book Club nights).  Thank you all!  Thank you, thank you!

The book, House Girl by Tara Conklin scored a better-than-average rating (overall, a 3.38), but the range was wide - from a 2 to a 5.  Consensus was that is was a good book with interesting characters (many of whom could be a book all by themselves), but not one of the most memorable stories.  It was interesting to hear the discussion about the parallels between the lives of Lina and Josephine (and contrast the undeniable differences).  Perhaps we'll see more from this Lawyer-turned-Writer in the future... more Caleb, perhaps??

As for next month... get ready, it's a Dual-Book meeting!
   Date:  March 23 @ 7pm
   Location:  Tara's house
   Books:  What Alice Forgot by L. Moriarty
                Vanishing Acts by J. Picoult
   Appetizers:  Nancy & Jennifer
   Desserts:  Shirley & June
   Wine:  Barb, Irene, & Jackie

Finally - a couple announcements/requests:
  1. The Craneridge Board of Directors is looking for members to be part of the Nominating Committee for the BOD (they aren't BOD member, but help find and recruit BOD members) as well as possible Directors.  Contact Dave Harris if you'd like to learn more.
  2. Save the date!  The Moondance Cruise is back for 2016.  This year's event will be July 23 @ 6pm.  See Donna Harris for more info.
That's all I've got, for now.

Happy reading!
~ Jill