{In a separate post} you will find the schedule for the year for Book Club. Many thanks
to the volunteers who offered to host and lead. This year's books look
really great, and I cant wait to start reading.
will note that we still need leader(s) for "The Thorn Birds" in July of
2018. Since its so far away, I'm sure that someone will be willing to
volunteer before then.
remember to contact the hostess to tell her you will attend the
meetings and also if you will be able to bring wine or appetizers or
desserts. It is very important that we know how many people to prepare
for; I'm sure you understand that enough chairs, room, etc. is a
consideration for each hostess.
selection night went really well, and I'm proud of the selections this
year....what a varied grouping of titles and authors!! And I'm still
longing for a taste of Joan's gorgeous cake! Not to mention the
appetizers that Leslie and June Marie brought.
you cannot open and print the schedule, let me know and I'll get you a
hard copy. until Sunday But contact me after Labor day since I will be
in Wisconsin (the land of cheese, beer and good football) until Sunday.
Until next week, happy reading!