Sunday, August 30, 2015

UPDATE: Annual Selection Meeting - Guidelines

Hello Book Clubbers!
The following are some guidelines to help you prepare to the annual Selection Meeting.

On the night of the meeting, bring a pad and pen, you'll likely want to take notes as the books are discussed.  We'll all have a chance to vote once everyone has given a description of her book(s).

Please use the following for each book you plan to recommend to the group.

Preparing for the meeting:
  • It's suggested that you recommend books that you or a close relative/friend have personally read. Don't necessarily base your recommendation on Amazon reviews or 3rd-party referrals.
  • Be sure the book is available in paperback (not hard-cover only or out-of-print).
  • Be sure the book is available in audio format.
  • CO-ED Books - don't forget to bring suggestions of books that our guys might enjoy reading, too. We'll choose the large-group book this night, too.
  • Bring the book with you - OR - Print out a summary from the Internet or book seller (with cost information, if possible).
  • BOOK EXCHANGE - Clean out your shelves of those books you're looking to "re-home". Bring them with you the night of the selection meeting to exchange for some "new" ones!
At the meeting:
  • Give a brief review of the book (story line, # pages, why it would be good for Book Club) you're recommending.
  • Listen & take notes about the other suggestions.
  • "Vote" for your favorite(s) using our pennies/chips method
  • Exchange your "old" books for "new" ones at the book exchange!
Thanks for all your suggestions & preparation for the selection meeting... till then, happy reading!