Saturday, November 10, 2007

This is a test... Jill's first post

Hello everyone!
It's November 10, 2007, a chilly Saturday morning... a great time to do a bit of blogging. We have some catching up to do here and I'll do my best to be up-to-speed by our next meeting on November 28th. As they say in the construction industry "please excuse our dust" while we make improvements to our site.

Many thanks to Beth for getting me set up as a Blog contributor and allowing me to continue the great work she started! I look forward to this new responsibility.
- Jill

1 comment:

Beth Roy said...

Hi Jill,

This looks awesome! Thanks so much for picking up this responsiblity...looks like you've easily picked everything right up. I'm so glad that this will be updated again, I just haven't had the time, and have felt so guilty not doing it. I've changed your status to administrator on the other two blogs as well. Have fun!