Saturday, September 08, 2012

Important September Reminders

Hi all, 

Well, it is official!  The September gathering to discuss The Shoemaker's Wife is officially changed to THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th at 7 PM at Beth Roy's.  I received many responses indicating that date worked and just one maybe.  Also 3 people could make it that night who couldn't make the 26th!  So there we have it…everything is working out.

Please remember that our very important book selection night is September 12th at Barb's at 7 PM.  You should bring an idea or two for books you would like to see the club read.  I have attached the newsletter detailing who has volunteered to bring food that night and other stuff we discussed at the last meeting to this e-mail as well in case you lost the other one.

The book selection night is a great time to introduce new members to the group so that they can see what we are up to.  Please bring along anyone you think might be interested and reach out to any new neighbors you might have met over the summer to extend the invitation.


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