Dear Book Clubbers,
Wednesday’s meeting to discuss The Shoemaker’s Wife was…well, SWEET! That seemed to be the word chosen by the majority to describe the plot of the book and fits as well to express the cozy feeling of the Roy home and the treats we shared. The overall rating was around a 3.5. Marion did a super job “steering” the discussion. Exchanging stories about our families’ arrivals in this country gave the evening an interesting twist. Thanks go out to Beth, Marion and all who brought goodies. A special welcome to book club newbies, Sharon and Marsha. Yea!
The next meeting is at 7 PM on Wednesday, October 24th at Terry’s. The book is Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts. Marty will lead the discussion. Elisabeth, Barb and Marty will bring appetizers. Loraine and Karla will contribute desserts, and Loraine, Jen and Marsha will bring white wines. (We have quite a backlog of reds, so won’t need those for a while.) Please RSVP to Terry.
A few people asked if Rob and I would be having our annual Halloween Open House that allows people to get together that night, with or without kids, for a little fun and fellowship. The answer is a conditional yes. We are expecting to have some interior painting down sometime in October and if it ends up being over Halloween, we will have to cancel.
I think we finally arrived at Tuesday, November 27th for the co-ed meeting at our house to discuss Unbroken. I hope that works for most people and isn’t too soon after Thanksgiving that people are still away visiting. We will be passing a food sign up sheet around at the October meeting. Anyone who doesn’t sign up then can let me know by phone or e-mail. Sorry to say that Rob will need a ton of help pulling this off because I will be having another shoulder surgery a few weeks before and will be a one-armed hostess that night.
Remember to contact Loraine if you would like to attend either of the upcoming Silver Foxes presentations, Gordy Stearns on October 18th and me on November 15th. You can learn more following link:
I think that might be all for now.
Light the fireplace and get out the books. The days are getting shorter and cooler!
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