Friday, October 30, 2015

October Newsletter

Hi All,

Wednesday's meeting to discuss The Girl in the Green Glass Mirror was very successful.  We rated the book a 2.8 with our new and improved (?) rating system.  (See below)  A big shout out to Jackie for hosting, to Jen for doing a terrific job of facilitating the discussion and for our snack volunteers.  Everyone was SO GLAD to see Terry there.

Next up is The River of Doubt by Candace Millard.  This account of Theodore Roosevelt's journey down a uncharted tributary of the Amazon is our co-ed book club read for 2015.  The meeting is at 6:15 on Friday, December 4th at my house.  We will be having substantial appetizers before the discussion and dessert after it.  Ken Kellner has graciously agreed to steer the discussion.  A sign-up sheet was passed around on Wednesday.  If you did not sign up, you may contact me via email and fill in a slot for an appetizer (most needed), a dessert or a pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc. 

Attached to this email you will find a summary of our recently created rating guidelines which are designed to more accurately reflect the differences between books our group really loves and those that are just OK by fulling utilizing the range from 1-5 and working off 3.0 being an average book.  Also you will find a super list of helpful hints for discussion leaders compiled by Jill.  Both of these documents are also available on the blog.  That address again is

That's it for now.  Where did October go?


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