Thursday, April 14, 2016

March/April 2016

Hi All,

Little late with my follow up, but the meeting at Tara’s the week before last was lovely, interesting and well attended.  None of us could quite remember why we decided to read these two books together.  I think we might have erroneously thought they both were related to amnesia.  Themes of memory did tie them loosely, and Tara and Marty did a great job of pulling the discussion together.  Neither book blew the group away.  Scores tallied 2.3 for What Alice Forgot and 2.8 for Vanishing Acts.  Just average, with our new rating system of 2.5 being your standard, solidly written book.  
In other news, Kathy was congratulated for her and her paintings being featured in an art magazine. Donna announced that the Craneridge Moondance catamaran excursion is set for a Saturday in July.  I believe it is July 23rd, but she can correct me if I have that wrong.  Thanks again, Tara, for opening up your home.  

I do know one reason that we choose to read two books last month was that we couldn’t agree upon a “long classic”.  May I suggest that perhaps next year’s March meeting be devoted to a classic (regardless of length) so that we can get at least one of those in per year?  Just a thought…

Next up is Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf.  If you haven’t started it yet, don’t worry.  Jen assures us that it is less than 200 pages of very spare, yet beautiful, writing.  The meeting is set for Wednesday, April 20th at Carol’s.  Please let Carol know if you plan on attending.  We could probably use another wine volunteer or two.  So far we have:

Appetizers: Marty, Donna and June
Dessert: Jill B and Irene
Wine:  Kathy, Jen, Loraine and Tara

There have been a couple of changes to the previously published e-mail list.  Please make the changes in your contact lists.  We will try to get out an updated rooster soon. 

That’s all I have for now.  I hope you are all curled up with a good book today, listening to the wind blowing some spring snow our way.  Hopefully after this we will sail into spring!


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